Have the Audacity

[AUDACIOUS TAKE] What People Aren’t Telling You About Consistency

Episode 106

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In this episode, we cover: 

  • Consistency is good until it isn’t.
  • Personal Growth is all about constant growth and expanded lessons into other areas of your life
  • How to know when you need a break when everyone is telling you to keep going

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Remember that, you are worthy. You have value. You get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, convenience you otherwise. If that idea or vision for your life is in you, then it is for you.

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Speaker 1:

Can you believe they have the audacity? Welcome to the have the Audacity podcast. I'm your host, jacey Lawlin. I'm on a mission to empower women like you to live audaciously. What does it mean to live audaciously, you ask? Living audaciously means you're no longer available for living your life based on someone else's agenda, standards or boundaries. It's time to activate your power, use your voice and create the life you're meant to live. So the next time someone asks, can you believe she had the audacity, you can look at them and say, yeah, I did. Hello, audacious human, I am so glad that you're here today.

Speaker 1:

I hope today's the first episode with the new intro and the new sound and the new cover and the new vibe and, honestly, it's been something that I've wanted to do for a while, but I needed space. So if you're listening to this like you've been a listener for a while. You've been around since we launched in November of 2022, or for some time now. It is April 1st, april Fool's Day, which I do not believe in or endorse, but it's April 1st 2024. And this is the first episode back in an eight week break and I want to get into that today. What I've learned. There's so much that was necessary and that happened during that time and I'm so grateful for it. And you can tell from the title of today's episode. It's like what people aren't telling you about consistency. And here's the thing. If you've been here for any stretch of the time, you know that I, up until the last eight weeks since I launched this podcast, had not missed a Monday. Since I started Five, six months ago, I had a family member in the hospital and I still recorded an episode and still put one out, and that was something I had seen other people do. And you know, growing a podcast or growing anything or going after any goal this you could apply this to any goal that you have right now. People say those farther along than you. You have to be consistent. You have to be consistent. Consistency is everything. Keep showing up, put the reps in. Even when you don't want to, you still show up and you do it anyway. And you know what. There's truth to that. They're speaking to what worked for them, but we need to start using and and that worked for them. Consistency worked for them. Showing up no matter what was going on in their life worked for them. Their speaking and giving advice from what they know, worked for them and I talk a lot on this podcast.

Speaker 1:

We're over 100 episodes in about, you know, keeping your blinders on staying in your lane, focusing on you. But you know the thing about personal on staying in your lane, focusing on you. But you know, the thing about personal growth is that you're constantly learning the same lessons on different levels. These lessons keep expanding into other areas of your life, and this was one of them. I, right before we took an eight week break, I released several episodes straight of just interviews. I had a lot of interviews banked.

Speaker 1:

I was like you know what? I'm just going to release interviews, I need a pause. I kept feeling this push. God was like you need a break, you need to pause, you need to break, you need to pause. And I'm like no, I need to be consistent, I need to show up consistently. I've been doing it consistent. I've been consistent for over 100 episodes. I can't break that now. And it was like so I was like, okay, I'll back off, I'll only release interviews for four weeks, cool. And then it was like no, you need to pause, you need to pause, you need to pause. And finally I was like fine, you know what? Fine, like the temper tantrum that that is sounds like fine, I'll pause, I'll take four weeks, I'll give you four weeks.

Speaker 1:

And that first Monday rolled around and let me tell you, I was like I felt so bad in my stomach, it felt so tight. I was like, oh. Then I realized, hmm, how much of my identity was I wrapping up and being consistent, how much was I wrapping up my identity and showing up how I think I'm supposed to show up here? And it was extremely eye-opening. And you know when I was like I'll take four weeks.

Speaker 1:

There's tons of things behind the scenes I wanted to do. I have touched every single title because, you know, as you learn and you grow, I have renamed every single episode. I have restructured and organized and brought cohesion to all 100 plus show notes. And I got a new cover that I'm obsessed with and was like I will do all these things behind the scenes cover that I'm obsessed with and was like I will do all these things behind the scenes. And I launched a blog to go with this podcast and was like I'm going to do all of these things I've been wanting to do and I haven't had time. But you know, four weeks not releasing new episodes? Cool, we'll do it then. And you know what I kept getting? No, nope, you need to rest and I'm like I can't, don't have time to rest. Things to do we have things we need to do.

Speaker 1:

Like I've been constantly going for 50 weeks straight since we started Well, I mean longer than a little longer than that, but like for a year straight, and it was like I was tired and I didn't realize how tired I was until I stopped. You know, I spent all of last year in 2023, 12 months in a mastermind, which I'm so grateful for, and I learned so much and I've taken you along the journey. If you've been here for a while and if you haven't go back and listen to the episodes, there's juicy ones, so many great nuggets. But I'm also very transparent on pulling back the curtain and taking you along the ride of this journey and there has been several pivots and several ideations of, like my business and how it's grown and pivoted and shifted away and came back, and over the last year, it's just been this extreme growth and pushing, and growing and pushing, and I'm so grateful for it.

Speaker 1:

But, like I haven't taken time to really just stop. I mean, I have my built in my Sundays, my super, my superpower, sundays where I don't schedule things, and those are very sacred to me and I use them for whatever I feel in them that day, in that week. They're very just for me, protected space. But it was like no, you need more. God was like you need more and so, reluctantly, like fine it was, I'll take four weeks.

Speaker 1:

Well, I didn't work on anything at all that four weeks that had to do. I showed up and hung out with my friends, I slept, I started reading fiction books again and I just was like man. I haven't been living my life as much as I thought it was and I was just being 100%, fully present with the people in my life. And you know that freed up space for me to work on other areas of my life and people that I can't wait to introduce you to. But things were happening very organically and it just was like breathe and it took the pressure off and it was by my own doing and it happened so gradually that I didn't realize I was doing. And it wasn't until it wasn't there anymore that I realized I was putting a lot of pressure on myself. And that is very vulnerable to say to you that I was and that I didn't realize I was I was.

Speaker 1:

And so the end of the four weeks came and I didn't announce it, I didn't make an episode, I didn't post on social media, I just went dark. And you know what? The world kept going, my life kept going, everybody else's lives kept going and as February was ending, I was like you know, I really heard God was like you need four more weeks, you're not, you're not done yet, like okay. So I took March off, I took another four weeks off for eight weeks total, and you know it felt so counterproductive because if you're in business or have friends in business, you know April 1st starts quarter two and so, like my quarter one, I was pretty much shut down for and it was like this seems so counterproductive but it does, but it was what was needed. And so the next four weeks is like four weeks of recovering and just like enjoying life and having fun and just doing things to enjoy them again.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I was reading fiction books Like I listened to the Hunger Games on Audible. I was reading fiction books Like I listened to the Hunger Games on Audible, but I haven't held a fiction book in my hand in 10 years and I loved it. And I forgot how much I loved it because I always just read nonfiction and personal development books. And how can I use this for this? And how can I use this with a client? And always growing, which is great, but I wasn't. I wasn't having any of the gray area, I wasn't having any downtime and what I learned in this time was like consistency is good.

Speaker 1:

There are times when you need to be disciplined and show up when you don't want to, and you need to have the discernment to know when you don't need to push yourself and where and identify where the motivation is for showing up. Is it outside of you? Is it because you think that's what you're supposed to do, what other people think you should do? Are you sneakily shitting on yourself or is it coming from? No, I need to show up because I want to.

Speaker 1:

For me, and you know you could I feel like an easy way would be to relate this to fitness. There are days you don't want to go to the gym and you know that you need to go. You know that that's what you need to do, but you also know there's days where you don't feel like going to the gym and you know that you're like if I go work out I'm going to get sick. And we all know that, feeling like you're teetering on getting sick or not getting sick, and whether it's going to the gym, staying up late, we all know when it's coming and we all know if we push ourselves just a little farther you're going to get sick. But I know I said I show up consistently, so you do, you get hurt, you get sick instead of just pausing.

Speaker 1:

And I this is a product of hustle culture and we glorify, like I think of 75 days hard and or 75 hard, whatever, I don't do it. But it's like no matter what, you do these things and like, yes, and that's not for everybody, and while I am back to doing two episodes a week for the foreseeable future, I'm back to doing two episodes a week for the foreseeable future and I'm not going to say it's going to be without. I know I'm going to have planned breaks. I always thought I would do every week, no matter what, and this may turn into seasons and that's okay. I'm going to take you along on the ride as I figure this out and not going to go dark again, but it will be planned, but I needed. I needed to just do it that way and that's what I needed.

Speaker 1:

And so one thing I want you to know is, even for me and just sharing what I've learned the last eight weeks and this is just a tip of the iceberg of the things I've learned in the last eight weeks but is that you're going to keep learning lessons in different areas of your life? They're just going to keep expanding. You're going to think you got this under control and then God's going to be like no, look at this area of your life. You're like, oh, let's not look at that, but you know you need to and it's okay. You're human, I'm human, we're all in this human experience together and it's time, and no matter what you're doing in all areas, to do it your way and to take advice from others with the knowledge that they're doing what's worked for them, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work for you or it could work, and it's not the way that it's sustainable long-term for you.

Speaker 1:

And so that's the energy I'm going with into the rest of 2024 is this may not look like what anybody else is doing, like the quote unquote. So-called experts may be like what are you doing? Like doing what works for me, what feels right, what I discern and know within me is what I'm supposed to do. And is that not having audacity? Having audacity to show up and live life when there's no way, like there's nobody else showing you that this way is possible or that you're not crazy for doing it this way? That's living with audacity, living in alignment with what's right for you, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes us.

Speaker 1:

I really hope you like the new album artwork and the new sound, the new intro and outro and like I hope you like it, it's a new, nice, elevated me. This is me, and I joked about when I listened to the intro. I'm like, oh, this is like super serious and like big Enneagram 8 energy, and then I'm going to be like, hey guys, but like that's me, I'm both, you get to be both, and so here we are. So if you love the changes, you love the new sound, you love the new look, I would love to hear from you. So please shoot me a DM, email me. All the links are in the show notes below, but I'm glad to be back.

Speaker 1:

I've missed this. I've missed being behind the mic, but the break was needed, and so here's your permission slip. Take the break, create space in your life. Pause good things that you enjoy doing to create the space to see how your life could be better. I can't wait to talk to you soon.

Speaker 1:

First, I want to say thank you so much for listening to today's episode. It truly means so much to me that you were here and that I got to be a small part of your day. I have three things to tell you before you go, though. First, please rate and review this podcast. It truly helps this podcast grow and get the message out. It is such a simple thing that you could do to support this show. Thank you for doing that.

Speaker 1:

Second, share this episode with somebody right now that you know needs to hear it, or take a screenshot. Tag me on social media and let me know what you loved about this episode. I love getting to connect with you. And the third last thing I have is I cannot let you go without sending you off into the rest of your day with the reminder that I want you to always remember you are worthy, you have value, you get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise, and if that idea or vision for your life is in you, it is for you. Living with this phrase in mind in today's world is such a truly audacious thing for you to do so. Until the next time I talk to you, remember, have the audacity.

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