Have the Audacity

[PEP TALK] When You Feel Like Giving Up - This is the Truth Behind Real Success

Episode 115

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In this episode, we cover: 

  • The reality behind one of the biggest popstars is that 76% of the song released are deemed as not "hits". That means that out of 243 songs, 184 songs are not "hits". 
  • 80/20 Rule - 2 out of every 10 projects will be successful.
  • Therefore 20% of what you do is where you will find majority of your success.
  • Failure and Obstacles are part of the journey.
  • Laney Wilson was rejected from The Voice 7 times and she just won a Grammy in 2024. She lived in Nashville for 8 years before she got her record deal. 
  • Steve Jobs once said, "If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time". 
  • The lesson here is to not give up.

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Remember that, you are worthy. You have value. You get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, convenience you otherwise. If that idea or vision for your life is in you, then it is for you.

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Speaker 1:

Can you believe they have the audacity? Welcome to the have the Audacity podcast. I'm your host, jacey Lawlin. I'm on a mission to empower women like you to live audaciously. What does it mean to live audaciously, you ask? Living audaciously means you're no longer available for living your life based on someone else's agenda, standards or boundaries. It's time to activate your power, use your voice and create the life you're meant to live. So the next time someone asks, can you believe she had the audacity, you can look at them and say, yeah, I did. Hey, audacious Human, I'm so glad that you're here and we're just going to jump right on into today's episode.

Speaker 1:

I think we can all agree as humans that trying to achieve anything, going for anything, whatever your goal is, the in-between of working for it sucks. Like let's just be honest, like let's just say call it for what it is, that it's hard, whether your goal is in the gym or financial or with a business or moving up in the company, that you work for. That in-between time, the grind, when you have to show up and give 110%, not seeing any of the results, just having blind faith and trust that this is going to work out in your favor, sucks and it's normal and I've really just been navigating and I've talked about it a little bit this in between, where you're not where you were, but you're not at this place where you want to be, and I've really been grappling with this about how you really never arrive. And because you continually move the goalpost. I mean, if you think about it right now, in some area of your life you have what once version of you was the goal to have. Like, if you have a career and you were in college for this career your goal was to go to college and then have a career. If you are starting a business and you were in college for this career, your goal was to go to college and then have a career. If you are starting a business and you're in the early years of that business and you're in the grind of trying to make it work and not knowing which way it's up and not having the clarity or the proof yet that what you have, this vision on your heart, is going to work, like you're stuck there. But at one point in time, a past version of you wished for this moment and I feel like we forget that.

Speaker 1:

And in this internet, instagram, social media, world, instant gratification where, with the algorithm, you see a very small, microscopic perspective of society that is perfectly curated by technology to fit your likes and your interests. We can miss a lot. Nobody talks about anybody doing anything successful until they're already a success, and I've really just been digging into this, like the truth behind the people you admire. How long did it really take them to get there and how much evidence is there that nobody would have blamed them if they would have given up. But they persevered, they chose not to, and I think really this is the truth behind real success. It's not that you're never going to feel like you don't want to give up. The reality is you feel like you're going to give up, but you push through and you persevere and you don't, you choose not to, even if everybody around you is looking at you like you're crazy, just walk away.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I've been really interested by this, mainly because I mean, I like to think this is a come with me, let's figure it out together type of podcast and I like to share what I'm going through, almost kind of like it is kind of like a little audible diary and like my thoughts out there, and we've created this community on the internet together, and so I know what one person can identify with the masses can. So I know it's not unique to me that you can identify with what I'm saying too. It's not having the proof of that success yet when you're working towards a goal and it's hard to not quit, it's hard to not give up, it's hard to see the vision. You can see it and you can feel whatever that goal is. You have a podcast. You don't have a million downloads. You can see it, you can see the number on the screen Like you can visualize it. You can feel it in your body what it's going to feel like to hold that energy in that community, but it's not there. You're grinding it out, you're showing up. It's not coming.

Speaker 1:

So I really dove into this and I like to watch documentaries. Like I like to do a lot of things that involve learning. I like to watch a lot of documentaries on things I really like music. If you've been here for any length of time, you know I'm a Swifty. I am a co-host on a Taylor Swift podcast called From the Vault. We just talk about Taylor Swift music because it's fun and it's fun for me to do and I love music and I always have loved music. I've always envisioned my life since I was a little kid talking behind a mic, and so the fact that I find myself here talking to you into a microphone I know my little kid self is super happy right now, even though the vision doesn't look like what we thought it was going to. The reality is not the same, as it's not a sold out stadium world tour I'm doing here, but I am talking to you wherever you're at in the world. But I am talking to you wherever you're at in the world. But anyway, I watched this documentary on one of the streaming platforms I'm not really positive at this moment which one it was on but it was about Laini Wilson, who is a country artist, and I learned a lot about her. Obviously, like most people, I didn't really know who she was until she started having hit songs on the radio. I learned, because I don't watch Yellowstone, that she's in Yellowstone. I was like, oh, that's cool. But I started learning about her and the hard road that she took to find success. And I mean I know that I love music and follow a lot of artist history and you can learn a lot from the perseverance there.

Speaker 1:

Every overnight success took seven to eight years. Easy, you have, like the outliers who, it happened quickly, but most of the time it's very rare, like it takes a long time. You get told no after no. And I know we hear like JK Rowling got rejected a lot and all you know Thomas Edison with the light bulb. He found all these ways to not. You know like not all that above doesn't work. Like failure, rejection is a part of it, but that doesn't make it easy and Steve Jobs even said that if you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time. We just often as a society at least in America, we don't take a pause and like look at the whole picture. Or like dang, I wish I just put out a single and it went number one. Or they're like dang, I wish I just put out a single and it went number one. Like okay, that's not actually how it works, it's your perception of this one moment in time but that's not the big picture.

Speaker 1:

Like I learned that Lainey Wilson was rejected from the Voice seven times, seven times. She didn't even make it to the part of the show where they get the opportunity to turn their chairs. She didn't even make it past the part of the show where they get the opportunity to turn their chairs. She didn't even make it past all the levels of producers you have to go through Seven times. She lived in Nashville for eight years before she got a record deal. She lived in a camper hooked up to a family friend's building Eight years a family friend's building eight years. Rejected from the voice seven times, didn't even make it to the auditions where the coaches get to turn their chairs. And she just won country album of the year at the grammys in 2024.

Speaker 1:

You're like, you just can't give up and I think it's just. This is not like a good like. I mean I said this was a pep talk episode in the title and it is, but it's. It's a different one that's really just coming at you differently. It's just truth and honest and perspective. I saw what I was prepping for this episode and like really diving into this whole idea and really even for myself just to keep going and all the goals that I have and with community members that I've been talking with, I came across this statistic and I found it super interesting and it was like the reality, like Taylor Swift is one of the it's like the biggest global pop star and I love Taylor Swift.

Speaker 1:

You know I love Taylor Swift, so I'm gonna use Taylor Swift for this. It's one of the biggest pop stars globally. Whether you like or you don't like her, it is what it is. 70 per 6 76% of the songs she has released are classified as not hits. 76% of the songs she has released are deemed as not hits by the industry. That means at the time of this statistic was written, because she cranks out new albums all the time, but at the time of this statistic, 243 songs had been released by her. If 76% of them are considered not hits, that means out of the 243, 184 songs are not hits. She's like the biggest success right now in the music industry. I mean, she literally she's a billionaire. More financial success than I've ever thought of achieving financial success than I've ever thought of achieving. And 76% of what she's put out is deemed not hit.

Speaker 1:

Like how interesting is that when you look at your goals, if you're a podcaster putting out podcasts and you're like, wow, I've produced 200 episodes, none of them are hitting. Like I've had one or two, but none of them are really getting the download numbers that I want. Okay, cool, keep going. It's normal. It's rare for everyone to keep popping off. It goes back to this 80-20 rule, that two out of every ten projects will be successful. And even if you go back and you think about Taylor and the 243 songs she's put out she's written thousands and some of them were probably worse than that that didn't make the cut because they were bad Like you've got to start somewhere.

Speaker 1:

You've just got to keep going and you've got to keep churning it out and keep putting reps in. Two out of every 10 projects you do will be successful. But here's the cool part about that is the 20% of what you do is where you'll find most of your success. If you're trying to chase financial goals, 20% of what you do is where your 80%, 90% of your money is going to come from. And it's okay if it's taking you a while to figure out where that 20% is for you, because ultimately, failure and obstacles are part of the journey to success. If it was easy, every single person, every single human, would be extremely successful. But most of the time people give up. And there's this idea in the book Big Magic and I, for the life of me, cannot remember at this moment who the author is. But I'm reading this book and it's talking along this idea of the more you create, the more you, more creativity comes to you. So you just have to keep going. Something's going to hit, something's going to stick. Just keep producing and keep going with it.

Speaker 1:

And where people end up not being successful in their life and success can hit at any time, there's no timeline on it. You may be working on something for 40 years and you're going to be 60 before you are successful, but you keep going and a lot of people don't find success in life because they give up. I mean, one of the top regrets on people's deathbeds is the things that they didn't do. It's not that they don't regret the things they did do. They regret the things they didn't do. They gave up the dreams, the goals that they gave up on. That's what they regret.

Speaker 1:

And this idea in big magic is that an idea is going to hit you. It's going to land on you from. I believe God gives it to you. But here's the thing If you don't take it, it's going to move on to somebody else. If you give up on your dream, it's going to go to somebody else. I mean, think about it, we could just keep running with this music industry. There's not just one artist in the world. There's not just the people who are on the radio right now, who are the only people ever to dream about being on the radio. There's thousands of people, millions of people, who had that dream and gave up on it for a multitude of reasons. And so I just want to encourage you today that if you are feeling like you're ready to give up on whatever the goal is, you're working for.

Speaker 1:

The truth behind having real success is you push through when you feel like giving up and that's a message that I need for myself right now. And instead of looking to people who have reached the success that you want as evidence that that's why you can't have it, because you're not that person, you get into the comparison oh, I'm not like them, so I can't have that, I haven't gotten this because I'm not like them. Why don't we look to the people who have the success that you want to have and instead say, because they have, that, it's proof that I can do it too, because they've achieved the thing that I want to achieve, that means that I can do it too. That means it's that's evidence that it can happen for me, because they're not a unicorn, they don't have rainbows coming out of their back ends, they're not anything more special than you. So, instead of looking at people who are achieving the success that you want or that you look up to as reasons why you can't, it's a reason why you should, and that's what I want you to think about. That's the change in the mindset, that's the flip that you make, because the reality is anybody who's achieved any level of success in their life has wanted to give up on the thing that they are now viewed as society as successful at.

Speaker 1:

This was a little different vibe of an episode, but I just I want to come to you from an honest place of where I am and what I'm working through and what I know is beneficial to hear. Right now especially, you're listening to this in real time. It's June. We're halfway through the year. There's six months left. The year's not over. The goals you said at the beginning of the year you could still find some success in them. You can still work on them. This isn't a Monday when this episode's coming out. Week's not over. Start today. Your life's not over. You're alive right now in your breathing. Let's be grateful for that, which means God's not done with you yet. You're still on this earth for something. So don't give up. Don't give up on your dreams, because the reality is that feeling's not unique to you. Every single human being on this planet has felt that.

Speaker 1:

Before I let go, I want to tell you, if you're really digging this vibe, I am working on something new which I'm super excited about. I am working on my certification for mindset coaching and life coaching, and I'm very excited about it, and with that comes more things for me to share with you on the podcast. But if you're listening to this and you're like JC, I mean cool, I get it, but, um, you don't know what my, what I'm working with. You don't know what's, in my way, like. In the show notes I put a link connect with me. There's a little text. You can go to the show notes and send me a text message and you can text text me. I'd love to talk with you and you can text Text me. I'd love to talk with you. The whole thing here is don't give up. I'm not giving up, you can't give up. That's the deal.

Speaker 1:

First, I want to say thank you so much for listening to today's episode. It truly means so much to me that you were here and that I got to be a small part of your day. I have three things to tell you before you go, though. First, please rate and review this podcast. It truly helps this podcast grow and get the message out, and it's such a simple thing that you could do to support this show. Thank you for doing that.

Speaker 1:

Second, share this episode with somebody right now that you know needs to hear it, or take a screenshot. Tag me on social media and let me know what you loved about this episode. I love getting to connect with you. And the third last thing I have is I cannot let you go without sending you off into the rest of your day with the reminder that I want you to always remember you are worthy, you have value. You get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise, and if that idea or vision for your life is in you, it is for you. Living with this phrase in mind in today's world is such a truly audacious thing for you to do so. Until the next time I talk to you, remember, have the audacity.

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