Have the Audacity

[AUDACIOUS TAKE] Is It a Difficult Thing or Is It the Next Thing You're Figuring Out?

Episode 117

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In this episode, we cover: 

  • Dr. Nikki Starr said, "It's all about your perspective. It's not the things that happen, but rather your interpretation of them. It's about the meaning you choose to give things".
  • Gratitude puts everything into perspective. 
  • Showers weren't a common household staple until the 1980's. When is the last time you took shower and were grateful for the hot water? Right now in 2024, there are places in the world that don't have access to that. The people you admire from 100 years ago didn't have access to hot shower.
  • Our lives has never been Objectively Better and Subjectively Worse. We are living in the top percentile in the billion of people who have lived ever. We are living like kings.  
  • How Happy you are =  Quality of Life - Envy

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Remember that, you are worthy. You have value. You get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, convenience you otherwise. If that idea or vision for your life is in you, then it is for you.

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Speaker 1:

Can you believe they have the audacity? Welcome to the have the Audacity podcast. I'm your host, jacey Lawlin. I'm on a mission to empower women like you to live audaciously. What does it mean to live audaciously, you ask? Living audaciously means you're no longer available for living your life based on someone else's agenda, standards or boundaries. It's time to activate your power, use your voice and create the life you're meant to live. So the next time someone asks, can you believe she had the audacity, you can look at them and say, yeah, I did.

Speaker 1:

Hey, audacious Human, I'm so glad that you're here for today's episode and it's a good one. Like I'm excited for it, not to toot my own horn, but toot, toot. I feel like it's a good one. It's something that you know. This is a come with me, let's figure this out together, type of podcast. I don't pretend I don't know all the answers. I just share what I'm going through and what I'm learning in real time.

Speaker 1:

And today I was hit with some more hard truth, like that is the season of life I'm in right now. Has anybody else been in that season or is it just me? Like, if you've been in that season, send me, shoot me a text like, click in the show notes to send a text feature button and it'll send me a text, and directly to me and send me the fire emoji. Like I feel like we're walking through it. Like we are walking through it right now. It has just been the season of tough love, almost, and I know you have to have these seasons to have the everything's going right for you, and celebratory, like the sweet seasons. Gotta go through the valley so that you can enjoy the view from the mountaintop, and so that's where we are. And so I just really felt like I needed to share this with you. Um, just a good perspective, as you could say. Because, like, really, I was hit. I was scrolling on instagram I know this is what happens. Like it's summer for me, I'm not teaching school right now. So, scrolling on Instagram and this reel popped up and they were like, is it a difficult thing or is it the next thing you're figuring out? And I was like, oh dang, like is it a difficult thing or is it the next thing you're figuring out? That, like, that'll hit you when you're complaining about something Like is it really difficult or is it just the next thing you're going to figure out? Talk about perspective. And so I just got this little nudge, like, hey, you need to learn more about this, you need to explore this more. It a little little light bulb on me like, hey, pay attention to me, learn more from this. So down the rabbit hole I went and I'm taking you with me this episode. So welcome to down the rabbit hole.

Speaker 1:

And as I was looking for, okay, there's got to be more about this perspective whole thing. And Dr Nikki Starr said this quote that I really wanted to share with you, like bring us into the intention for this episode. And Dr Nikki Starr said it's all about perspective. It's not the things that happen, but rather your interpretation of them. It's about the meaning you choose to give things. Like, oh look, I'm gonna read that last sentence again. It's about the meaning you choose to give things.

Speaker 1:

Like think about it, you could have two situations two different people and one open, two different kids for birthday. Let's just go with this. Hang with me on this. One opens a card and they get $5. You know, they just got a hundred dollars in their last card. So they're like, wow, you ripped me off. You have another kid who this is the only card they're going to get and they got $5 and they're so excited for that. The $5 isn't better or worse than any situation. It's perspective.

Speaker 1:

I mean, like I talk about it a lot on the show, but like gratitude puts everything into perspective. Like having gratitude puts it all into perspective, as I was kind of getting into this more like okay, what are things we take for granted here in the United States, since that's where I live? Like what are things we take for granted that other people don't have or we haven't had that long? I mean there's a lot of things we take for granted that we're like oh no, this is just how it is, but like we haven't had that that long. The grand scheme of things hasn't been that long. So one thing was like showers Showers were not a common household staple until like the 1980s.

Speaker 1:

Like it wasn't just like a staple thing you had in your house 1980s. When is the last time that you took a shower and were grateful for the hot water? Like you're in the shower and when was the last time you were grateful for hot water? Like right now, 2024,?

Speaker 1:

There are places in the world that do not have access to that. There are places in the world that they can't just walk into a room and turn on a faucet and clean water to drink just comes out. They don't have that. When's the last time you walked up to get a glass of water and were like I am so grateful that I can just turn on a faucet this is so easy. Or I can turn on a light switch and there's light. I don't have to walk around in the dark at night. It's summer in Texas right now it's triple digits. I am grateful that I can walk into my house and the air conditioner is going, that I have air conditioning, because I don't want to sit in a hot house, so I'm grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

But don't you ever catch yourself on days like you have air conditioning and you're like on days it gets really hot, it doesn't keep up, your house is warmer than what you would like, than what feels comfortable, what you would like than what feels comfortable, what you're used to, and have you ever caught yourself being like oh, I hate that it's hot right now, but really is it? Is it really? It's just not as cool as you would like, but is it though? Is it really? Are we just do? We just need a different perspective, and this is not to shame you into like. You have every right to like be dissatisfied with something. Complain about things Like it's not to shame you into never having negative feelings about something Like. That's not it. We're not going to the other extreme here. That's equal parts unhealthy. It's just putting some perspective on it.

Speaker 1:

It's the thing you're going through right now. Is the difficult thing you're going through right now. Is it really difficult or is it just the next thing you have to figure out? Like, really think about it. You have a co-worker who's impossible to deal with. Is it really difficult? Or is it the next thing you've got to figure out how to work with them Because, like, you have a job? Like, is it difficult that your AC is not working and there's triple digits outside? Or is it just something you've got to figure out today and I'm not minimizing circumstances for anybody, especially in today's economy minding circumstances for anybody, especially in today's economy If you have to replace your whole unit and that's a big expense and not a lot of people have extra funds right now, but that is going to be a difficult thing or is it really going to end you forever, or can you figure it out? Can you pick up extra shifts? Are there things you could sell? Could you mow some yards? Is there ways you can make extra money? Like, can you creatively problem solve this? Is it hard? Yeah, is it inconvenient? Yeah, but can you figure it out? Also, yes, you can't.

Speaker 1:

I mean going back to this whole idea that we just turn on faucets and there's running water, we take showers or baths in hot water, that we do nothing but turn a faucet that makes it hot, like let's have the hot water heater, you know, like the faucet doesn't make it hot, but like it opens up for the hot water to come. You know what I mean. And we have access to entertainment. Majority of us walk around with computers in our pockets, our cell phones. We have access to concerts, we have access to movies, we have streaming services. We have all this entertainment, all this knowledge, all of these things that are food, our fingertips. We have food, like we have enough food to eat. Eat.

Speaker 1:

We, in one point in the history of civilization, are living better than, like the richest people did, with more perks. Like, objectively, objectively, our lives have never been better. Like, like, objectively looking at it, our lives have never been better and subjectively worse. Like we're living in the top percentile of billions of people who've ever lived, but we're also so deep in comparison and nearsighted to everybody else's experience that our lives are subjectively worse. So it's just some perspective, it's a little empathy, putting yourself in another person's shoes, in another person's situation, seeing things through their eyes.

Speaker 1:

And as I was continuing to just read more and more about research and thought leaders had to say on this topic, I came across a multitude of times like, essentially, how happy you are is your quality of life minus envy? Your happiness is the quality of your life minus how envious you are of those around you. There's always going to have somebody who you think has it better than you and who subjectively maybe does. But everybody has their own problems. There's a lot that's talked about in the entrepreneurial world, like if you choose the success, you're also choosing the problems that come with it. You're like Jaycee, I'm broke. I could totally deal with the millionaire's problems, could you? Because maybe you don't have a lot of financial means but you have a family that you know you can trust and are supportive and love you and you know your friends are your friends because they genuinely want to be there for you. There are some people who have success, who are more lonely than they ever have been because they have, are surrounded by people who are paid to be there, and you never know if people's intentions are pure because they want you or they want what you can give them. So, like do you want those problems? Are you willing to deal with those problems?

Speaker 1:

Right now in the united states, in this economy, it's housing, like affording housing, affording to buy a house is a thing. And like okay, you know, there are people who choose to rent because they choose to pay for rent Versus choosing to have the problem of owning a house and having to pay for the repairs for it. Because if something breaks, like you're renting, you can just call having to pay for the repairs for it. Because if something breaks, like you're renting, you can just call your landlord they have to fix it. If you own it, like you got to come up with the money. And so it's like perspective.

Speaker 1:

It's all about perspective and it's not saying your perspective is wrong, and I feel like that's a lot of what's wrong right now in society is it's like my perspective is the only right perspective. If your perspective is different, it's wrong. Like, no, like. Take a pause. Breathe Deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Give your nervous system the time to pause. Now is it? Is the perspective really that wrong, or is it just different? Because everything in life is all about your perspective. It's not necessarily the things that happen to you, but it's rather your interpretation of them. Humans were meaning creating machines. It's all about the meaning that you choose to give those things I talk about it on that. You choose to give those things I talk about on that podcast a lot. It's all about the meaning you give to something Perspective.

Speaker 1:

You apply for a job. You know you're the most qualified candidate for a job. You find out other people know you're the most qualified candidate for a job. You're told no, you're not going to get that position. Job you're told no, you're not going to get that position. One perspective that's not fair. I don't deserve that. Other perspective this store's closing. Maybe somebody needed this opportunity more. This store's closing, because something better for me is coming. I don't see it yet, but I know it's coming.

Speaker 1:

Perspective, rather than something happening to me, something's happening for me. Is it a difficult thing or is it the next thing you have to figure out? That's the question I want you to ask yourself the next couple days. Really be intentional about it. You're stuck in traffic. Is this really bad, or is this just the next thing you have to figure out? Going to be late to work Okay, figure it out. Probably need to call my boss and let them know. Supervisor, let them know. Is it really difficult or is it just the next thing you have to figure out? That's what I want you to think about. That's my challenge for you.

Speaker 1:

If you vibed with this episode and you really liked it, click the send a text message button in the show notes. I'm a one-woman show. It's me You're texting. I love to hear from you, love to hear your perspective on this, and I'll see you in the text messages. First, I want to say thank you so much for listening to today's episode. It truly means so much to me that you are here and that I got to be a small part of your day.

Speaker 1:

I have three things to tell you before you go, though. First, please rate and review this podcast. It truly helps this podcast grow and get the message out, and is such a simple thing that you could do to support this show. Thank you for doing that. Second, share this episode with somebody right now that you know needs to hear it, or take a screenshot. Tag me on social media and let me know what you loved about this episode. I love getting to connect with you, and the third last thing I have is I cannot let you go without sending you off into the rest of your day with the reminder that I want you to always remember you are worthy, you have value, you get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise, and if that idea or vision for your life is in you, it is for you. Living with this phrase in mind in today's world is such a truly audacious thing for you to do. So until the next time I talk to you, remember, have the audacity.

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