Have the Audacity

[INTERVIEW] Navigating Life to Thrive as a High Achieving Woman with Audrey Rose

Episode 125

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In this episode, we cover: 

  • When the comfort zone sneaks up on you...
  • Think outside the box - How to incorporate things you love while doing the things you "have" to do

Redefining Rest

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Remember that, you are worthy. You have value. You get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, convenience you otherwise. If that idea or vision for your life is in you, then it is for you.

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Speaker 1:

Can you believe they have the audacity? Welcome to the have the Audacity podcast. I'm your host, jc Waller. I'm on a mission to empower women like you to live audaciously. What does it mean to live audaciously, you ask? Living audaciously means you're no longer available for living your life based on someone else's agenda, standards or boundaries. It's time to activate your power, use your voice and create the life you're meant to live. So the next time someone asks, can you believe she had the audacity, you can look at them and say, yeah, I did. You can look at them and say, yeah, I did.

Speaker 1:

Hey, audacious Human, I'm so glad you're here for today's episode and I'm excited to have Audrey back on the podcast. Audrey, I think you are the person who's been on here the most at this point. So Audrey is back and I am just excited. We were just chatting and I was like we're just going to have a conversation. I've been talking to like the listener every week about bringing more of just like real life and like let's just chat, like let's have a conversation with the three of us and talk about life and normalize that everybody's going through something.

Speaker 2:

No matter what you see online, exactly going through something, no matter what you see online, exactly, I'm trying to actually on that note, I'm trying to actually talk more online about what I'm going through, because I noticed that I think I talk about stuff but I don't really share it. And now I'm just like, okay, wait a minute. Like let's like pull back the curtain, cause, like I think it's so easy to show the pretty things, the caption, that's like perfectly formulated, but I'm like wait, do people actually know that? I'm like I'm fucking struggling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know. So it's like I just and that's where one advice that I was given from a friend who is in the entrepreneur space was, like, pick a platform you want people to really get to know you on, and like you don't have to share yourself like equal amounts on everything, and I was like, well, I love this podcasting and talking and using my voice, and so it was like I'm going to start pulling back the curtain behind there and bringing my friends on and we're just going to have the conversations that we organically normally have anyway. But now, like the listener gets to be involved and I don't have to air out all my stuff on Instagram for everybody to comment. Like my people who are for me are gonna find me, like be here with us, and I feel like it's almost like a safer space, you know. So it is so intimate and so, with that like tell, catch me up, what's been going on?

Speaker 2:

Girl. Oh, the first thing that comes to mind is business Cause. Like so I okay, yeah, let's go off on this tangent here right now I am learning to take a bit of a step back and focus on my business, but not put my nose to the grindstone right now. Because I was like looking up at my life recently and I was like, dude, time is going by really, really fast for me. And like I noticed, like I'll, I'll see like a DM or something, and I'll be like, oh, like this friend wanted to hang out and and to me it was like a weekend ago that they DM'd me and so I'll go and I'll be like, oh, that's right, Like so and so wanted to hang out, Like let me text her back, whatever.

Speaker 2:

And then I look and it was like six months ago and I'm like, Audrey, like what were you doing the last six months that you couldn't respond? And like leave your house and go out and like get a glass of wine with somebody, Like what's happening? And then I think about it and I'm like, oh, yeah, I have had my nose and my laptop for like two years and just constant, constant, constant. And now I'm just like, wait a minute, Like the same way that life was passing me by when I was severely depressed and like not leaving my house is like the same way that now life is passing me by while I'm like trying to teach other women not to like you know not to let teach other women, to not let life pass them by, while you're letting your life pass you by.

Speaker 2:

I love this yes.

Speaker 1:

I love it Like it's. So it happens, though, and I love that we're having this conversation, because you're like this is what I tell people and I help people with all of the time, and then I just realized like, oh, it's happening to me Like it sneaks up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it sneaks up Exactly, and it's like you don't see how fast it's going until it starts to sneak up.

Speaker 2:

And so basically, it's bringing me to this like almost a dilemma, because now, all of a sudden I don't know exactly why, but I'm having a lot of like breakthrough anxiety and I've always been like an anxious person but I'm having this really weird breakthrough anxiety where I don't want to do anything now.

Speaker 2:

So now it's like I'm finally at this point where I'm like no, you have to do stuff, and like life can't pass you by anymore and like get your nose out of your laptop. But now I don't know if it's become so much of my routine or if I'm just like, like now I'm not like used to like doing things and like being in a crowd or something I don't know, but now I'm just like when I think about certain things, like it makes me anxious and that's like hindering a little bit of what you know what I need to do or what I know that I like want to do. So I'm working through that now because I don't want like I don't want to be like anxious. You know, that's something that I've struggled with and that I really worked on for a long time.

Speaker 1:

I wish I wish I could remember who this was Like.

Speaker 1:

I'll scroll through my reels because I know I saved it somewhere and I'll send it to you.

Speaker 1:

And I'll scroll through my reels because I know I saved it somewhere and I'll send it to you and I'll include who it is in the show notes when I like go find it later. But they were talking about this feeling anxious about doing things and not, and it was like having to know the difference when it's something that you should do or shouldn't do, and this whole, like in the age of living in alignment, and I was like, okay, think about if you were going to jump off a bridge, like visualize it, like what does that feel like in your body? And then think about the thing you're anxious about doing and how is that different? Are you actually scared that your life's in danger or are you just at something new? Yes, that's so good and it was like. Or if you're walking down a dark alley and you're like your hair and you get uneasy and you're like looking around and you're like what? Like something's off, is that the feeling you're having or are you just nervous because it's something new?

Speaker 1:

and like yes, and like discerning when it's something like because if it's something you're not supposed to do, you're going to have that like deep yeah, oh my gosh no, but most of the time we don't really have that, we just mistake it for that, and I thought that was such a good way to look at it.

Speaker 2:

I feel like that's so smart, like that's such a good way to compare, because truly you're not like or at least for me, like in these situations I'm not like truly that freaked out. It is just because it's something kind of new again or like something where you almost have to put yourself out there and it's like so easy to get comfortable. Like you know, I've been married now maybe like a year and a half and it's just like my husband actually just pointed out to me he's like you're getting in a routine and like I was like, yeah, I never said I would be one of those married people that's like let's watch TV every night and I said I would never do that. But it's true, it's just easy and comfortable and it feels good and it's like I do want to be home in my sweatpants watching a show with my husband. Yeah, it's so nice and easy. But like, to be honest, I know that my life feels the most fulfilling when I'm like doing things and, you know, getting out and like living my life.

Speaker 1:

I literally just had this conversation so with another friend, so it's like totally aligned. That like now we're having this conversation, was about looking at. You know, I just came out of a season in my business and even with the podcast, where I took a couple of months off this year and I like full stopped everything, I quit putting on new episodes. I went dark, like I was so burned out and my mental health was like not a good place. I was like we need to pause.

Speaker 1:

So then I had some anxiety coming back in, like how do I do this differently? How do I make it look like what I actually need it to look like? And it was even like starting to speak more in things and I was like you know, I want to speak, I want to be on stage. I see that for myself, but I don't want to derive my full income from that. It was like cause full-time speakers, like some of them, are gone like 300 days of the year? I like my house, I like the people in my life. If I look at my calendar, I have set structured times like throughout the month that I intentionally meet with friends and family, and I'm like I don't want to be gone 300 days of the year. Yeah, that's actually not what I want.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's so interesting Cause like it's a little bit slightly different than what you're talking about, but you're really making me think of what Trent Shelton said at that last you know, empower her event that we were at, like literally how he was saying, like I, you know, was on stage and I was talking and I was like sharing the things but like truly deep down, like I wasn't in alignment and I wasn't feeling good.

Speaker 2:

And it took him like speaking to a stranger in an alleyway where he was like they were just like I can tell you're not happy and he was like yeah, like I'm not, and like how it was such a good lesson, like he taught us that lesson so that we could like learn it before we get there and not repeat his history. And knowing that ahead of time, like how you have such good insight, that like how you want it to look and what you want it to do before you get all the way there and then hate it, yeah, but I can see, like, for you like having some anxiety like reintroducing those things that like you were doing before, anxiety like reintroducing those things that like you were doing before.

Speaker 1:

Cause I can see, like, at least like if I was in that position, I know myself would have some anxiety about like am I going to get the same results I did last time, like am I just going to end up where I was before and I don't want to go back there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Gosh, that's where. That's where there's such a polarity. I guess you could say is like there's such a tug between um me doing things that feel new, that like I used to do, or whatever, but that just don't feel like the current Audrey, but like I know that they're going to feel really good eventually, and then the opposite of that, which is like staying super comfortable and how that will eventually bring me back to the, you know, 2018, audrey that we do not want to see and like I can't let that happen. And so it is like such a tug between the two where it's like I just want to stay in the middle, but like the middle part, for me personally is definitely this comfort zone that will become a slippery slope and like we cannot be having that.

Speaker 2:

And so, yeah, like maybe that's where some of the anxiety comes from, because it's just like I know that this cannot be my life, the slippery slope, we don't want that. But also then it's just like, ah, but I want to leave my comfort zone. So yeah, it causes this whole like mix of feelings. It's insane.

Speaker 1:

And so it's almost like how can you have like set in structured time Like just for that, if that was something like you lost having downtime before? And you're like, how do I just like carve in downtime, I love that you know what I used to do.

Speaker 2:

Actually, you're like making me remember and so, moving forward, I should just do this again, which this is going to seem so simple, but it's like it's not.

Speaker 2:

But literally what I used to do was I used to put it on my calendar like my adventure time, I guess you could say. Like literally, there was like a once a week spot for a few hours where it was like I didn't even know ahead of time like where I was going to go, but I just knew like this is adventure time, this is like a new hiking spot or a new restaurant with a friend, or this is like try something else, like just do something new. And after the first couple of like times doing that, the first couple of weeks, it started to just feel so comfortable that then, like most of my life just started to become like outside, like doing different things, like just getting outside so much after that and then like it felt so good, but again like it's so easy to slip from that and like get busy and just get caught up and like it's almost like yeah, like how can you do things that you know you have to do but do them like if you love being outside?

Speaker 1:

like, okay, what, what do I have to do, but I could do it outside? Yes, oh my God, I take my laptop somewhere and sit outside in nature and work on my emails, or you know, like whatever it is like, are you truly confined into your house on those things?

Speaker 2:

And it's like like you're getting me so far up, like literally, um, oh, my God, you just so, and I don't know why. Oh, I do know why I stopped doing this. It was because of a guy, but like it's been way long enough. I used to go to the beach and take my laptop out there and like there wasn't really service, but I would work on my podcast episodes and like editing and all of that because you didn't need service, yeah, and then there was like this whole weird situation. So like I stopped going there, but like it's been totally long enough, I should start going back.

Speaker 2:

I was like living out there, like, basically, like every single morning I would like just drive. It's like a 45 minute drive, so it wasn't that bad. I would literally just like drive out there every single freaking day. And they'd be like it like there's a group of older people that go whale watching that I like made friends with and that became like my freaking hobby. And then, um, it was so cute. They were just like, oh, there's Audrey working on her podcast. It like, yeah, it like became a thing and then life gets busy, but anyways, no, like that is like the perfect start back into like just like nothing's flowing and like it just becomes like again, where the time just passes you by and then you're just like look up one day and it's like what happened, and I despise the idea of that.

Speaker 1:

And I get it too Like it's one of those bounces of like too much of anything. It's a bad thing and it's like you know, we were talking earlier about human design and things like I'm a projector projectors typically need more rest because they don't generate their own energy, it but then like I can get into where I have. Like if I spend a whole day on the couch, then like I'm not going to do anything the next day and then I'm not going to do anything the next day and I'm like this actually is doing more harm than good at this point. Because, yeah, if I, it's like if I do too much and I go, go, go and I never rest, my depression and anxiety starts saying like, hey, you're doing too much, like this is not it. But if I go to the other end and I don't do anything at all, then it's like, hey, you're not doing enough.

Speaker 1:

And it's like being this, like delicate flower of like not too much, not too little, and doing this dance and really for me was allowing like in different seasons is going to be different things, like I can do more in one season than I do right now, like when this is coming out, like in August. It's like I'm going back to school because I'm a full-time teacher. So I'm like, okay, I gotta kind of adjust how I've been spending my time, because now I'm gonna be spending a lot of my energy from eight to four at work instead of not having that. And so you know, just not being so rigid is what I've been learning.

Speaker 2:

I love that you brought that up, like about resting too much and how that then turns the situation around, because I've been thinking about that a lot like and noticing how to rework my thoughts. So the story, the example, is I'm a nurse, right, so I only have to work like three days a week and so my schedule can just be random and whatever. So there's periods of time where I work a bunch and then there's periods of time where I'm off for seven to 10 days, just based on my schedule. And I've been finding that, of course, right, like, it's easy to see it from the outside looking in when I'm off for a big stretch of days and then I have that first night back or that first, you know, shift back. I freaking hate being there, of course, because, like, I dread it, Like I was just off for all these days and I've been noticing a lot like when I'm in it and when I'm in the workflow and it's like, oh, I come back the day after tomorrow or I come back in two days, I'm fine with it and I don't dread going in and I don't, you know, feel grumpy about it.

Speaker 2:

But when I have that big, long stretch of like exactly what you said, like resting too many days in a row. It's like, just you know, I just feel so grumpy and like I don't want to leave that couch routine. So, noticing that and trying to rework my mindset, just like the simple rework of just being like nope, I just feel that way because of you know, I've been kind of doing this, or I just feel that way because I've been gone for too many days, but like, once I get there, I'm not gonna hate it, I just need to get there.

Speaker 1:

It's like the gym yeah, that's just need to get there. It's like the gym. Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking about. It's like the gym. If they like say like no, just go tell yourself you're going to do it for 10 minutes because you know what's going to happen. You're going to end up finishing the workout or like walking the full mile, like whatever it is you're doing, and so, whatever Cause, if you just do it, bad, it's this, it's just the initial. Getting the momentum going, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The momentum Exactly, and like I think too, like with work I don't even want to say this out loud Cause like I don't want to like jinx my life but like sometimes you feel like you don't have a choice, you know, like like you don't, you just like kind of have to go, but like it's true though, once, once I get there, like I chose this profession, same with you in teaching, it's like I chose this for a reason and I really do deeply like love it.

Speaker 1:

I just have to like get myself there. I mean, because you do like you like it's almost the balance of, like the feminine and masculine energy. It's like either one too much is not healthy. Working seven days a week is not healthy, healthy. That's why you have times and limits on like amount of overtime and things. Like you know, like there's are there's boundaries there, because too much of anything is bad, and so it's just finding that balance and allowing it to change. Yeah, and sometimes I feel like giving yourself that tough love of like no, we got to do, we got to do the thing. It's like parenting yourself. It's like what we were talking about, um, earlier is like just, even though you're an adult, like you still have to parent yourself.

Speaker 2:

You're like no we have to go do this, let's go. Yeah, just get up and just do it. Yeah, and to your point also, like with rest, that's something that I did learn I forget the quote, but like I had read a really good quote about how resting doesn't just mean sleeping more or spending more time on the couch or just like laying around. It also means just like rest from your hectic schedule, rest from the errands, rest from all of the crazy family members, whatever it is right. Like rest can mean work. I mean it can mean activity, it can mean going on a hike or you know, even just kind of getting yourself to the beach or to like a beautiful area. Like that can be rest too, cause it's just about like pouring into yourself and like rejuvenating yourself. And so once I like once that clicked for me.

Speaker 2:

That made a lot of sense, because I remember like when was it? Like 2022 ish when I was severely burned out. I just remember being like I need a rest and I spent days on the couch. I mean like so much time like resting and sleeping like 14 hours. And then it didn't until that clicked for me and I started like going to the beach and going, doing workouts and doing different things that were rejuvenating. Then I felt like good.

Speaker 1:

And I started. You know, yeah, it's like it's redefining it for you and it's like looking at, like I love that. You point out, rest isn't just like sitting, stationary or sleeping. It's what activities or things make you leave doing, feeling more energized, and then like doing more of that, yeah, which is like do again, where I learned like oh, we're recording this episode on a Sunday and I'm like I love conversations, like I love getting to talk with you. I leave more energized, like to me. I'm like this isn't quote unquote work or like you know, I'm like I feel good doing this and so it's just trying to have more of that in your life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Like I love that, add more of it to your life. That should be like our challenge. To, like our friends listening, like anyone listening, like seriously, like put it on your calendar.

Speaker 1:

Like just put one thing on your calendar Like, yeah, make it happen or go have dinner with a friend, like do the thing you're not making time for, that you know you leave you end. Can I just say?

Speaker 2:

speaking of fiction books, I read one. It's called the girl who drank the moon. It's like a kid's fiction book. Okay Freaking, you have to go read it. I couldn't put it down. It was so cute. But, yeah, like make time for those things. But yeah, like make time for those things I really like. Well, you see all my books behind me, like so many of them are like nonfiction and like self-help and like healing. And then I randomly found that book somewhere and I was just like let's read this book about like a little girl, a little witch girl. But like, change it up, make it fun, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's like one of those things like what am I doing? Just because I want to do it, like just like there's no ROI on it, like it's just like this is fun, like I just enjoy this, and so planning more of that in your life. Well, audrey, thank you, this has been such a fun conversation.

Speaker 2:

I know I loved it. Like the time just like flew by, I was like, yeah, I don't want to say it did.

Speaker 1:

Um before we go, though, how can the listener what's going on Like? How can they find you? What do you have going on right now? Yeah, I have to share.

Speaker 2:

So okay, of course, you can find me at hello, audrey Rose, but I want to share something super freaking exciting Um and a census is airing in August, so I am hosting a live virtual wellness retreat with multiple speakers in um. It'll be August 17th and 18th. So if you're listening to this later, there will be a replay that I'll have like as a course, and so definitely it's all over my Instagram, but I'll send you the link for the show notes if you, you know, would. And then, but yeah, definitely, like come and join us for this virtual retreat.

Speaker 2:

I just I've been realizing that, like so many people want to come to retreats and do things, and it's like what we were saying is like how life gets busy, things happen, and so this is literally like tune in from home, join us and then the replay will be available. So like, if you miss parts, you can watch it again. But yeah, at Hello, audrey Rose, on Instagram, hit me up anytime. I love DMs and just thank you so much for having me. This is like such a freaking blast. It's always good to talk to you. I always love talking to you.

Speaker 1:

Same. Likewise, when you reached out, I was like yes, let's please have a conversation. First, I want to say thank you so much for listening to today's episode. It truly means so much to me that you were here and that I got to be a small part of your day. I have three things to tell you before you go. First, please rate and review this podcast. It truly helps this podcast grow and get the message out, and is such a simple thing that you could do to support this show. Thank you for doing that.

Speaker 1:

Second, share this episode with somebody right now that you know needs to hear it, or take a screenshot. Tag me on social media and let me know what you loved about this episode. I love getting to connect with you. And the third last thing I have is I cannot let you go without sending you off into the rest of your day with the reminder that I want you to always remember you are worthy, you have value, you get to take up space in this world simply because you exist. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise, and if that idea or vision for your life is in you, it is for you. Living with this phrase in mind in today's world is such a truly audacious thing for you to do so. Until the next time I talk to you, remember, have the audacity.

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